Welcome at JAKSH Gravity Agro & Energy Pvt Ltd

The world is full of new ideas that need to explore and implement. JAKSH started its journey with an innovative idea to convert Agro waste, household waste and plastic waste into wealth. In 2019 PM Shri Narendra Modi said that young researches and startup should come forward for the solution of burning Parali and plastic waste. This became a source of inspiration for us and we have implemented the idea of  Centre of Excellence, a unit which does not yield any waste. In this startup we grow Mushroom with the help of new techniques, converting them into daily supplements and many useful byproducts like mushroom based snacks.

Beside that we also collect the flowers offered in temples and extract natural colour pigments from it. These colour pigments are generally used in food industry. We mix the leftover compost from mushroom production unit and the flowers and biodegradable waste collected from the city. After mixing all of them, they are send into the biogas chamber to convert them into biogas. The biogas is used to produce energy and the leftovers sludge and organic compost is sold to the farmers. Our team also collects plastic waste from different locations. we use Thermo-Catalytic reaction process to convert PP & PE plastic into Alternative Fuels.

So JAKSH is a concept of a farm that generates no waste. The farm generates energy for its requirement and near about no carbon emission in the whole process. The name Centre of Excellence reflects the concept behind it.

Latest Activities

Activity in North Eastern Part of India

Activity in North Eastern Part of India JAKSH Gravity is going to visit North Eastern states of India to promote Matka Mushroom and Smart Hut concept. JAKSH Gravity Agro and …

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Featured Project

Matka Mushroom

Make Fresh Mushroom Available in Every Drawing Room


Matka Mushroom (Clay Pot Mushroom) is made up of clay. We just put the substrate in the matka and it is ready to grow mushroom in it. We are just putting the mushroom substrate in Matka. You just need to spray water over it everyday. Mushroom will be ready in every 10 days.
The extinct arts of India is drawn on the Matka to make it look attractive. It will look like a decorative piece of art when put in a room.
In Europe, every person consumes near about 27 kilograms of mushroom during a year but in India the data is 100 gram per person/ year. We need to change this scenario. Matka Mushroom can encourage the use of mushroom frequently as fresh grown mushroom will be available in the drawing room.